Artis Dian Sastrowardoyo

Foto-foto Artis,, Video Artis,

Nama: Dian Sastrowardoyo Nick Name: Dian, Distro
Tanggal lahir: 16 Mar 1982 Status: Menikah
Zodiak: Pisces Lahir di: Jakarta
Debut: Juara Cover Girl majalah Gadis (1996) Awards and Recognitions: Aktris Berbakat Festival Film Asia Pasifik di Malaysia (2005)
Karir Dian Sastro di dunia hiburan bermula setelah dia menjadi juara cover girl majalah Gadis pada 1996. Sejak saat itu, Dian mendalami dunia model.

Dia mulai terlibat di dunia akting tatkala menjadi model bagi video klip band ‘Sheila on 7' pada 1999. Setelah itu, dia turut terlibat klip video ‘The Fly' serta ‘Kla Project.' Pada 2000, anak tunggal pasangan almarhum Ariawan Rusdianto Sastrowardoyo, dan Dewi Parwati Setyorini ini mulai dapat tawaran bermain film indie berjudul ‘Bintang Jatuh'.
Pengalaman itu membuat Dian jatuh cinta pada dunia film. Aktingnya menuai pujian banyak pihak. Film indie pertamanya, Bintang Jatuh (2000), karya Rudi Sudjarwo, diedarkan di kampus-kampus, dan tidak ditayangkan di bioskop. Dian beradu akting dengan Marcella Zalianty, Garry Iskak dan Indra Birowo.

Dia melakoni peran lebih serius, saat berakting dalam Pasir Berbisik (2001) bersama Christine Hakim, Slamet Rahardjo dan Didi Petet. Lewat film ini pula Dian menyabet pemeran wanita terbaik pada Festival Film Internasional Singapura (2002), dan Festival Film Asia di Deauville, Perancis (2002). Alumnus SMU Tarakanita I ini memenangi Piala Citra 2004, sebagai Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik dan Aktris Terbaik dalam Festival Film Asia di Perancis.

Setahun kemudian, dia berperan dengan sangat baik sebagai Cinta dalam film Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC) pada 2002. Film itu disebut-sebut melecut kembali gairah film nasional yang lesu. AADC bercerita tentang remaja Jakarta, dan kisah cinta yang tidak cengeng, laris menjadi tontonan di dalam dan luar negeri. Selama berbulan-bulan film itu bertengger di peringkat tertinggi di bioskop tanah air, maupun luar negeri.

Dua pemeran utama AADC, Dian Sastro dan Nicholas Saputra, berkeliling ke tujuh kota di Jepang, karena film itu diputar di 30 bioskop di negeri Sakura itu. Antara lain, di Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Fukuoka dan Kobe.

Name: Dian Sastrowardoyo Nick Name: Dian, Distro
Date of birth: March 16, 1982 Status: Married
Zodiac: Pisces Born in: Jakarta
Debut: Champion Girl Magazine Cover Girl (1996) Awards and Recognitions: Talented actress Asia Pacific Film Festival in Malaysia (2005)
Career Dian Sastro in the world of entertainment began after he became champion girl magazine cover girl in 1996. Since then, Diane explore the world model.

He became involved in acting when he became the model for the video clip band 'Sheila on 7' in 1999. After that, he was involved a video clip of 'The Fly' and 'Kla Project. " In 2000, only child of the deceased spouse Ariawan Rusdianto Sastrowardoyo, and goddess Parvati Setyorini is starting to play offers indie film titled 'Falling Star'.

That experience makes Diana fell in love with the world of film. Acting reap the praise of many parties. His first indie film, The Shooting Star (2000), by Rudi Sudjarwo, circulated on college campuses, and are not shown in theaters. Then collided with Marcella Zalianty acting, Garry Isaac and Indra Birowo.

He melakoni more serious roles, while acting in Whispering Sands (2001) with Christine Hakim, Slamet Rahardjo and Didi Petet. Through this film also Diana won the best female actor at the Singapore International Film Festival (2002), and the Asian Film Festival in Deauville, France (2002). SMU Alumnus Tarakanita I won the Cup Citra, 2004, as a major player Best Female and Best Actress in Asian Film Festival in France.

A year later, she played very well as Love in the film Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC) in 2002. The film was touted whipped up the passion of a sluggish national film. AADC tells the story of teenagers in Jakarta, and the love story that is not whiny, best-selling becomes a spectacle at home and abroad. For months the film was perched on the highest ranking in the cinema the homeland, and abroad.

Two key players AADC, Dian Sastro and Nicholas Saputra, traveling to seven cities in Japan, because the film was screened in 30 cinemas in the country's Sakura. Among other things, in Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Fukuoka and Kobe.